Identification of open wells in Bengaluru

Bengaluru Climate Action Cell led by BBMP is working towards improving the city’s water resilience, which is one of the goals of the Bengaluru Climate Action and Resilience Plan (BCAP). As part of this initiative, we are collecting data on open wells in the city.

Open Wells are an integral part of water security in Bengaluru. The city once depended on network of lakes and open wells for its water needs, before piped water supply and borewells became available. [To know more about open wells and how it works, click here]

Thank you for taking out time to complete this form, which will provide information regarding open wells in your vicinity. With your help, we can try to build a water secure future for our city.

Drag the marker to the open well's location on the map. The following fields: Google Maps Link, BBMP Zone and Ward will fill in automatically.

Note: Drag the marker to the open well's location on the map. The following fields: Google Maps Link, BBMP Zone and Ward will fill in automatically.